Maintaining your website and gaining visitors to your website through search engines is easier than you think. It really is a matter of time, effort and relevancy.
There are many websites out there that state “ We will get you on the first page of Google – Guaranteed !” If you come across websites stating this or anything similar, my advice would be to click back in your browser as quickly as you can!
There really is NO guarantee when or where your website will appear in Google even when trying to spam using keywords or terms; for example overly emphasizing a keyword or term to a point where it becomes overly used and makes no sense to the reader. I will mention Google here as this is the search engine I personally have done extensive research on over the years. Of course there are other search engines that I presume, but can't comment on, use similar ways of listing websites in their index.
Google's Algorithms are very complex, clever and vast. There are also many websites that try to “trick” Google and in the end get found out and banned from it's index and search engine.
All this has really just scratched the surface on how not to run and maintain your website but this is not what I am writing about nor will I ever waste my time in researching in depth as these methods are very short lived.
Going back to the main reason I am writing this blog is to try to simplify, in my own words, how to run and maintain your website, online business and social media campaign.
The best analogy is for you to imagine your website as a book. Your book contains everything about you and your business. There are of course many different ways you can have your book published for example hardback, paperback, the list goes on, But when your book has been published it would have a beginning, a middle and an end. In some cases there would be a contents and/or index.
However you set out your book, it would be the best layout for your readers. Once you are happy with your book the next step is to publish it and ultimately get the right people reading it.
Moving my analogy along a bit, Imagine your book is now in your local library. You walk in and see rows upon rows of books. Say your book is about widgets who love reading about widgets. You would go to the section on widgets then look for books in that section about widgets. Because your book is about widgets the librarian has put your book in the widgets section. There would of course be no point in having your book in the science fiction section because nobody would pick it up! If they did they would instantly realise your book is not what they are looking for and put it back!
You could of course try to pay the librarian to put your book in a more prominent area in the library, for example In the entrance hall right in front as you walk in. This would of course cost far more money! After paying all this money how many people who pick up your book are directly interested in it? Or even read it?
Search engines, although very big ones, are librarians! They read the cover of your book and put your book in the right section. When someone Google's “widgets” then Google will list your book in order of relevancy.
Moving on again, I would like to point out the most common point I have made here, That being “Relevancy”!
Going back to my book analogy, not only is the book relevant but it is also “Unique”, being nobody else has written a book exactly then same.
When you have written a book and people find it interesting and you have sold plenty of copies, you would want to write another edition. If you do not write another edition then your book would become old and eventually only a few people would read your book.
Keeping things fresh and updated would bring your readers back for your new edition and of course new readers.
So, in my opinion, the best three ways to maintain your website and gain quality, relevant visitors is:
1)Be Relevant
2)Be Unique
3)Keep it Fresh!